We have seriously had so much fun this summer. I am pretty sure we have had something to do almost every.single.day! Not that I am complaining. We have made some pretty awesome memories as a family!
Last week we were able to celebrate Justin's grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! That is a long time and a GREAT example of marriage! It was so fun spending time with family that we don't see often enough... especially Justin's brother and his family, that was the BEST surprise when we walked into the party and saw them (they now live in New Mexico, closer than Michigan so that's a plus!)
Grandpa & his girls
All the Grand kids with Grandpa and Grandma
Justin's Family!
The Girls:
me, my sister in laws, and mother in law.
Brynlee and Cousin Molly
Janet & Gary (my in-laws!)
Grandpa & Grandma with their grand kids
(it was HOT like 102* so every one's face is a little red!)
The girls with Great Grandma Francis
We took Ellie to the Dr. for her 1 year check up. She is doing great, healthy and weighing 20 lbs. She was so good for the Dr. and was more than happy to let them check her. She was pretty tough with her shots too (only cried for a split second) then got her first sucker so she thought that was great!
Playing in the waiting room
When we got home this is what Ellie climbed into while I was trying to do laundry
(she is such a little monkey!)
We had a fun filled day spending time with my grandparents, mom, nephew, aunt and her kids... bowling, laser tagging, and miniature golfing! Later that night we went out to dinner for uncle Jessen's birthday and had a great time!
Ellie Bouncing
Brynlee bowling with great grandpa Ron
This girl has ATTITUDE with EVERYTHING she does!
My mom found a new man miniature golfing...
sorry dad!
My family at dinner
The girls with Unlce Jessen and Aunt Kinsey
We took the kids to the children's museum for the first time and we were very pleased. They had SO MUCH TO DO and even Ellie enjoyed exploring!
Giddy up cowgirl!
Having a POW WOW
Brynlee found South Africa
(where daddy served his mission!)
Did I mention Ellie is a little Monkey...

Playing Dr.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great Monday!
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